Non-Theistic Psalm no. 5

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of a lyre is featured based on modern reconstructions of an ancient instrument known as the "kinnor" - the kind of lyre that King David used. Halway framing the kinnor is a question mark. This image is for the alternative psalms that I wrote and posted on my blog ( Unlike the traditional psalms which pretty much require belief in a deity for you to use them -- these psalms (the Non-Theistic psalms) impose no such requirement at all for their use.
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Non-Theistic Psalm no. 5: Composed 2018-02-26 in the evening.
Some of us live short lives and others live long lives
But only relative to the typical human life span.
Even the longest lived person to ever live
Lived but a moment in the span of recorded history.
To read the full psalm, read it on Sophia’s Virtual Stoa.

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