R.I.P. Harry Potter

Why I Can’t Separate Harry Potter from JK Rowling

Sometimes, a terrible person produces great artwork. Some of those times, I am able to separate the artwork from the artist’s problematic character – but in other situations, I am not able to. In my latest YouTube video, I explain Read more

Columbus - Not a hero

Christopher Columbus should NOT have a monument.

For years now, visitors to Philadelphia’s Spruce Street Harbor Park have been able to see a monument to Christopher Columbus. But it is time to end it, whether by removing the monument or by rededicated – because today we know that Christopher Columbus was NOT the kind of person that a monument should be dedicated to.

Rowling’s transphobia has ruined Harry Potter for me.

Rowling’s transphobia has ruined Harry Potter for me.

The Harry Potter novels saw me through very dark times in my life. Unfortunately, JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter novels, has recently revealed herself to be a TERF (Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminist). This has caused the Harry Potter novels to lose their ability to provide comfort to me, and probably many other people, some of who need them even more than I do.

Yes, it IS reasonable for Defund events to demand police protection!!

Yes, it IS reasonable for Defund events to demand police protection!!

Let us suppose (hypothetically) that you hired a maid with the expectation that she would clean the place – but instead of cleaning, she would do all kinds of things that made a mess of the place. To make matters worse, let us assume that you did not have the authority to fire her yourself, but needed permission from a board to fire her – and the board was reluctant to approve of such an action.

Now, let us translate this to the scenario that many minority communities in real life face with the police.

Enemy of My Enemy

Response to One Godless Woman – 4/4

Click here to see this video on its YouTube page. In the final installment to my reply to One Godless Woman’s “4 Questions for Third Wave Feminists” I discuss the “Enemy of My Enemy” principle, and how its misuse is Read more