Creation of Eve
My latest video is an animated comedy sketch highlighting the inherent misogyny in the myth of the Creation of Eve as recorded in Chapter 2 of Genesis. Check out the video on YouTube – and share it with others.
My Internet Rants – in Blog Form
My latest video is an animated comedy sketch highlighting the inherent misogyny in the myth of the Creation of Eve as recorded in Chapter 2 of Genesis. Check out the video on YouTube – and share it with others.
Due to being completely overwhelmed, I will not be releasing a video this week (October 9, 2021). I plain to resume adding videos to my YouTube channel either next week (October 16, 2021) or the week following that (October 23, Read more
Argumentum Ad Hominem – an argument pattern that you may think you understand – but actually is often misunderstood. But in my lastest YouTube video, I examine Argumentum Ad Hominem and discuss (1) what Argumentum Ad Hominem is (2) how Read more
While some people think that there is a contradiction when someone identifies as Jewish for ethnic and/or cultural reasons while at the same time following a non-Jewish religion or no religion at all — the reality is that this is Read more
While I would expect to see the term “Islamophobia” thrown around for the purpose of Muslim apologetics, I never expected to see that term thrown around for the purpose of Christian apologetics – until I saw a video by Acts Read more
Dr. Frank Turek thinks that the existence of evil actually proves God’s existence. However, his argument for this absurd position is extremely problematic. Watch me on YouTube as I expose all the ways in which Dr. Turek’s argument fall apart.
Dr. Frank Turek (a Christian apologist) while at Fresno State, had an exchange with a local Atheist named Scott. It looks, however, as though Dr. Turek was unable to resist using certain fallacies and discursive malconducts. Continued from Part One, Read more
Dr. Frank Turek (a Christian apologist) while at Fresno State, had an exchange with a local Atheist named Scott. It looks, however, as though Dr. Turek was unable to resist using certain fallacies and discursive malconducts. In Part One (this Read more
Christian apologist, David Wood, thinks that the STAR TREK episode, Bread and Circuses, somehow refutes the secular nature of the now-iconic television show. In a two-part presentation, I explain how his claim lacks any merit whatsoever. In Part Two, we Read more
Christian apologist, David Wood, thinks that the STAR TREK episode, Bread and Circuses, somehow refutes the secular nature of the now-iconic television show. In a two-part presentation, I explain how his claim lacks any merit whatsoever. In Part One, I Read more