Young Earther Denies the Antecedent – Fallacy Exposed
Arguments for Young Earth Creationism tend to be riddled with fallacies – in this case, the fallacy being a formal fallacy known as Denying the Antecedent, as I explain in this video.
My Internet Rants – in Blog Form
Arguments for Young Earth Creationism tend to be riddled with fallacies – in this case, the fallacy being a formal fallacy known as Denying the Antecedent, as I explain in this video.
Classically Abby has released a video about why she believes that fetuses, embryos, and even blastulas should be given the rights of human personhood – even at the expense of the bodily autonomy of people with uteri. However, her arguments are all based on fallacy or misinformation – and some cases, nothing but emotional appeal.
Vlogging on services such as YouTube has done much to increase people’s awareness of autism. However, not many people may realize that there are some ways in which autism may present challenges SPECIFICALLY in the area of vlogging.
Contrary to what a certain conspiracy theory suggests – there is no way that Caesare Borgia could possibly be the source of contemporary portrayals of Jesus of Nazareth.
My latest YouTube video comically examines one of the messed-up things in the Biblical myth of Moses – – specifically how God seems to have been playing both sides of the conflict by promising not to soften, but to harden Read more
Click here to see this video on its YouTube page. In the final installment to my reply to One Godless Woman’s “4 Questions for Third Wave Feminists” I discuss the “Enemy of My Enemy” principle, and how its misuse is Read more
In part 3 of my 4-part response to One Godless Woman’s “Four Questions for Third-Wave Feminists”, One Godless Woman asks how she and others like her can get more feminists to listen to their warnings about the threats posed by Read more
In Part Two of my four-part response to One Godless Woman’s “4 Questions for Third Wave Feminists” I explain that while progress toward feminist goals is much further along in the West than it is in Islamic countries, we still Read more
In part one of my four-part response to One Godless Woman’s “4 Questions for Third-Wave Feminists” I explain how the values of a secular society are important to me, and why I don’t single out just Islam for criticism. The Read more
In my latest YouTube video, I explain how with full loyalty to the United States, to my Jewish People, and to everyone else to whom I owe so much as a shred of loyalty – I vehemently oppose Donald Trump, Read more