
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Two circles one within another. The inner circle features a geocompass and one of those arrows that splits into three directions - all that symbolizing one's own choices and decision-making. In the outer circle, faded out underneath the circle's gray fill-color, are a picture of a house, a dollar-sign, a first-place medal, and a crown - all symbols of external, worldly things that many people covet. Behind the set of two circles, one can see the flame that represents the Logos burning in the background. This image is for articles on this site ( that prominently feature discussion on the Stoic concept of Locus of Control.

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Two circles one within another. The inner circle features a geocompass and one of those arrows that splits into three directions – all that symbolizing one’s own choices and decision-making. In the outer circle, faded out underneath the circle’s gray fill-color, are a picture of a house, a dollar-sign, a first-place medal, and a crown – all symbols of external, worldly things that many people covet. Behind the set of two circles, one can see the flame that represents the Logos burning in the background. This image is for articles on this site ( that prominently feature discussion on the Stoic concept of Locus of Control.

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