IMAGE DESCRIPTION: In the background burns the flame that represents the Logos. In front of it, several letters from the Greek alphabet fill the air - and near the floor is a book labeled "A Stoic Dictionary". This image is for articles in this blog ( pertaining to Stoic terminology.

#6: Empathy versus Rational Compassion: Part One: What We Mean by “Empathy”

I want to discuss why society ought to encourage rational compassion rather than empathy. But before I can do that, I must clarify what “empathy” means in this discussion and why it is important to keep in mind how empathy Read more

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A strange liquid boils and bubbles in an Erlenmeyer flask. To the right of it, two test-tubes sit on a rack. And to the right of it, slightly above, is an image of what is perhaps, for Stoics, the most painful reminder of scientific advance - the atom. Behind all that burns the flame that represents the Logos. This image is for articles on this site ( that pertain to the relation between Stoicism and science.

Stoicism in the Age of Science

While ancient Stoics no doubt held some views that are at odds with modern science, proper understanding of Stoicism requires that we differentiate the actual principles of the philosophy from context-specific influences in the ancient writings. Upon doing this, we Read more