Non-Theistic Psalm no. 2

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of a lyre is featured based on modern reconstructions of an ancient instrument known as the "kinnor" - the kind of lyre that King David used. Halway framing the kinnor is a question mark. This image is for the alternative psalms that I wrote and posted on my blog ( Unlike the traditional psalms which pretty much require religious belief for you to use them -- these psalms (the Non-Theistic psalms) impose no such requirement at all for their use.
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Non-Theistic Psalm no. 2: Composed on 2018-02-11 in the evening.
How long will the foolish stay in power?
How long will they continue their reckless schemes?
How long will they hold the world in jeopardy
Believing that God will fix everything?
They care not for scrutiny or proper evidence.
When presented with science, they laugh at it.
Or they twist it to say what they want to hear.
Sometimes they respond with outright scorn.
They seek not meaning in their present life
For they’re taken in by tales of life after death.
What little evidence they have fails to pass scrutiny,
But they question not the tales that their preachers feed them.
Of those who don’t fit their narrow views
Of gender, sexuality, or other human traits
They blame it on demons and disobedience
And treat those who are different in despicable ways.
They let diseases ravage the world
For they deny the need to receive vaccines.
And they claim that the vaccines result in harm
Despite lack of evidence of that being so.
They deny human impact on the environment.
Due to this wickedness, the ice caps melt,
And major storms come more often than before
With greater force than they did in the past.
How many homes must be crushed by hurricanes?
How many low lands must be swallowed by the ocean
Before society turns to reason and logic
And learns to value science and proper evidence?

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