Non-Theistic Psalm no. 4

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of a lyre is featured based on modern reconstructions of an ancient instrument known as the "kinnor" - the kind of lyre that King David used. Halway framing the kinnor is a question mark. This image is for the alternative psalms that I wrote and posted on my blog ( Unlike the traditional psalms which pretty much require belief in a deity for you to use them -- these psalms (the Non-Theistic psalms) impose no such requirement at all for their use.
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Non-Theistic Psalm no. 4: Composed 2018-02-21 in the afternoon.
A Psalm of Sophia recounting being driven from a long-time church at the start of gender transition.
Why have those I thought of as friends turned on me?
They say that the path I must take will lead to Hell.
At best they offer only contemptuous prayers for me
And ask that I go back to what I know was a lie.
To read the full psalm, read it on Sophia’s Virtual Stoa.

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