Young Earther Denies the Antecedent – Fallacy Exposed
Arguments for Young Earth Creationism tend to be riddled with fallacies – in this case, the fallacy being a formal fallacy known as Denying the Antecedent, as I explain in this video.
My Internet Rants – in Blog Form
Arguments for Young Earth Creationism tend to be riddled with fallacies – in this case, the fallacy being a formal fallacy known as Denying the Antecedent, as I explain in this video.
As an Atheist, I can not embrace the term “non-believer” for myself – as doing that would validate the notion that beliefs that I do not hold count more than the beliefs that I do hold. The term “non-believer” is Read more
Some people (mostly Republicans) are already trying to portray the Democrats who oppose the death penalty as being soft on crime. But if they play their cards right, perhaps these anti-death-penalty Democrats can make the pro-death-penalty politicians regret such a Read more
Realizing that vlogging has always where I felt most at home, I have decided to revive my YouTube channel and this time integrate it with this blog. You can see the video here. My return video on YouTube
Non-Theistic Psalm no. 5: Composed 2018-02-26 in the evening. Some of us live short lives and others live long lives But only relative to the typical human life span. Even the longest lived person to ever live Lived but a Read more
Non-Theistic Psalm no. 3: Composed 2018-02-18 in the evening. Wise are those who follow reason and logic, Who are not ruled by emotions nor bound to preconceptions, Who keep their minds always open to reality Who always strive to see Read more
Non-Theistic Psalm no. 2: Composed on 2018-02-11 in the evening. How long will the foolish stay in power? How long will they continue their reckless schemes? How long will they hold the world in jeopardy Believing that God will fix Read more
Non-Theistic Psalm #1: Composed 2018-02-11 in the early morning hours. All the animals and all the plants Come from a common ancestor. Less than four billion years ago Lived the life from which we all sprung. Time went on. We Read more
It is part of Plurationalist teaching that we should not surrender to our emotions, but master them. Here is why Plurationalism is right in teaching that. Recently, I shared with some people the following gatha that I use in my Read more
While rationally discussing the hot-button issues facing our society is not a guarantee that all parties will come out in agreement – it still offers great benefits that make it a far superior alternative to heated, emotional discussion of those Read more